Run Time 96mins
“The Firing Squad” is based on the incredible true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third-world country and win over the entire prison camp to Christ in a stunning conclusion.
Starring Kevin Sorbo, James Barrington, Cuba Gooding Jr., Madeline Anderson, Tupua Ainu'u, and Eric Roberts.
Released in August, our faith-based film debuted as the 9th highest-grossing movie nationwide during its opening weekend, standing alongside major Hollywood blockbusters.
The filmmakers have been supported by Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, Baptist Press, Christian Cinema, NRB, Kay Arthur, The Fish Radio, Rebecca St. James, Lifeway Christian Resources, NRB, Christian Festival Association, Life Surge, Tim Tebow, Nick Vujicic, Philip Yancey, and many more.
May God bless you as you watch this incredible film!
Join former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, the 700 Club, TBN, K-Love, and many others who say the film is a “must-see.”
For online viewing, rent here:
This video is for private viewing only. If you would like a church license, purchase the license here:
barcode: 860011577980
The Firing Squad Movie DVD
Plus: Buy Any 3 DVDs, Get 4th One FREE!
If you’d like to show this film to your church or congregation, you can obtain a public screening license for unlimited showings, either for one year or permanently.
click here: https://www.firingsquadfilm.com/movielicense
This movie is worth watching true story most of all you see God working in lives at the end of life remember the name of it is the firing squad
- Brevis Davis
My daughter grandson and I went to see it. Was a wonderful movie. So glad we saw it. I cried like a baby but I felt God in that movie theater
- Diane Bamafan
Definitely need to see- clearly shows the difference between facing death when you know Christ and have hope of eternal life and facing death without Christ
- Cheryl Beaver
This movie was truly amazing. My husband and I left in tears. Very much worth an hour and a half of your time.
- Mary Amundsen
Saw this at the Movie it is a great movie that everyone should watch. I cried thru the movie it was that powerful.
- Kay Drake Bailey
I saw this movie. When it ended, the whole theater was quiet. You could hear a pin drop.
The movie was wonderful yet heartbreaking. Phenomenal.- Kathy Cottam- Ripka