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Vaccine-Injured Survey: These 6 Methods Have a Greater Impact Than Medicine

Writer's picture: EPOCHTVEPOCHTV

React19, a nonprofit organization that is leading the effort to help COVID-19 vaccine-injured Americans across the country, has reported surprising results from an ongoing survey.

“I would tell you that there are probably over 1,000 symptoms people complain about,” Dr. Joel Wallskog, founder of React19, told Frontline Health.

But the top six “remedies” that are helping people with their symptoms are not medication-based, according to React19’s preliminary third survey.

“Number seven was the first medication, which was low-dose Naltrexone … Ivermectin was somewhere down in the teens,” said Wallskog.

Currently, there is no straightforward treatment to alleviate symptoms from COVID-19 vaccine injuries. The symptoms also vary widely from one injured person to the other.

Yet this survey shows an emerging pattern. Many vaccine-injured are reporting that pacing strategies in daily life, prayer, and contemplation—as well as dietary changes—are having the greatest impact. The results could still shift after the survey is completed, but it gives enough ground for the nonprofit to act.

“So we are starting a spiritual network, and I’ll be honest with you, I’m amazed every time I talk about this—people come up and thank me.

“[They say] we go to all of these rallies and meetings, and no one ever talks about spirituality. It’s like a breath of fresh air,” said Wallskog.


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Dan Skorbach: Dr. Wallskog. You’ve done some really interesting research studies, in terms of vaccine injury recovery. Do you want to give a quick download on what you found?

Joel Wallskog: We have a couple different parts of research. Certainly we are not a research institution. We don’t have all the infrastructure of a research institution.

Moving forward, we want to be the grantor of research dollars to real research. However, that being said, we do have a lot of injured people that we represent. And with that, we can do a lot of surveys. Really [these surveys] are kind of a case series.

We’ve done three series on the injured. And the first one was looking at overall symptoms within the first year. The second survey was about 1,000 people and that looked at symptom progression—were the symptoms getting better or staying the same, or getting worse.

And really, what we’re doing now is—we call it survey three—after a year or three years, what we’re looking at now is, what treatments are people doing? And we’re asking them what’s working, what’s not.

The average number of symptoms that we have is twenty. I would tell you that there’s probably over 1,000 symptoms people complain about. And there is just a vast amount of what we’re calling syndromes. So you can separate out the injured, when it comes to mechanism of injury, into a kind of an allergic group, an autoimmune group and an inflammatory group. But a lot of people are kind of mixes of all three.

So then what we’re trying to do is take those mechanisms, and then try to define the syndromes more. But then ultimately, we’d like to see more specific diagnostics and treatments.

Right now, if you’re looking at treatments, there’s just a ton of things that people are doing. And to me in medicine, what does that mean? It means we just don’t know what to do. We don’t know what the right thing is to do. Because if you had the right thing, everybody would be doing that. But if you look at our survey three—and I think I showed that at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) meeting—you can just see people are doing a ton of different things.

First of all, I want to say our survey three is not completed. The results that I showed at the FLCCC meeting are very preliminary. I think it was based off of less than 500 people—453 people—but we want to get it down to thousands.

Spirituality and Diet Improve Symptoms

But the first six things on the list that people found most beneficial were—number one was pacing strategies. Kind of what I’m trying to learn of not overdoing. But two of the other things in the top six were prayer and kind of self reflection. So we saw that and really thought, geez, we [have] to act even though the study is very preliminary.

And that’s what brought up our discussion about starting a spiritual network—is the results of that survey. So we are starting with the spiritual network, and I’ll be honest with you, I’m amazed every time I talk about this. People come up and thank me—[they say] oh my God, we go to all of these rallies and meetings and no one ever talks about spirituality. And it’s kind of a breath of fresh air. Everyone tells me just that.

And for some people—and for a lot of people—it’s a very important part of their life. And so we’re going to add that into our organization. Now the other three things and the top six, were all dietary changes. Okay, look at these things—low risk, potentially high gain–spirituality, self reflection, and dietary changes.We’re not sure what dietary change is best. But clearly, there’s something that people are doing, where dietary changes are helping them and I’m not sure if it’s going to a low histamine diet, a gluten free diet or the lactose free diet. I don’t know. But that’s something we have to look into.

Physical Therapy Makes Things Worse

Now on the other spectrum, what really had the most negative impact to the people is aggressive physical therapy conditioning. And I saw that I was like, oh my God, okay, now I understand. Because I really went—as I told you—I was trying to condition myself out of my injury when I was like, Okay, I’m going back to work. And I worked out every other day, went to therap—and really, I did it for a week, and then for a week I had been on the couch or in bed. So it’s interesting for me to see that.

Importance of Community

Now also, in survey three, we asked another question—outside of those treatments, other things that are important to you. Number one was a supportive online community. And then number two was supportive family and friends.

Now, when we get back to number one—let’s reinforce how important lack of censorship is. Early on a lot of these support groups that we have, we’re getting censored—it hasn’t happened now, for a while, I think they’re worried about getting sued, but—they should be because they are—but censorship is critical. And these people just need to commiserate and reflect and get acknowledged through each other. It’s also very important that people’s family and friends don’t just label them as crazy and censor them, because it’s devastating to them. So that’s a little bit about our surveys so far.

It’s Not Always Medicine

Mr. Skorbach: So I have a whole question about that. So you’re saying that in the first six things that helped the most for the people, there was no medication there, there’s no actual treatment?

Mr. Wallskog: Number seven was low dose Naltrexone. It was amazing. The first six things had nothing to do with a prescription, a medicine, a test. It was either kind of spirituality type things, or dietary changes. Number seven was the first medication which was low dose Naltrexone. Ivermectin was somewhere down in the teens. It’s pretty interesting to see. Now remember, I think this will change over time. But again, I always tell people, when you see a list of 100 things that people are doing, clearly, we don’t know the right answer.

Mr. Skorbach: How did you ask that question? Because to get this answer out of people—the spirituality or meditation or self reflection—is that something that’s unique to you to your background that you asked that question? Or is it self reported?

Mr. Wallskog: These were self reported. So they basically said, This is what this is what I’m doing, and this is what’s helping me.

And then they gave it a number rating from three to minus three. Three was very effective. Two was somewhat, one was a little, zero was neutral, and then the opposite to minus three.

We’d like to also get a risk scale in there, too. Because when you’re looking at interventions, remember, we know that even with shots, everything has risks. So we’d like to try to assign a risk score to it, too. We don’t have that yet. We just have the benefit score.

Again, I can’t really reinforce enough—this is preliminary. It’s just really interesting. And we thought it’s interesting enough to present to the FLCCC meeting [last month] in Fort Worth.

Mr. Skorbach: That is fascinating. I think that’s going to help a lot of people change their mindset of what they should be focusing on and what could be helping them.

Mr. Wallskog: I don’t think it’s always medicine.

Mr. Skorbach: Lina, do you have some questions?

Lina Skorbach: For the people who really want to help your organization, what is the best course of action that they can take?

Ways to Help React19

Mr. Wallskog: So certainly, the number one thing we need is donations. That’s pretty much what I do on a daily basis. We have no corporate sponsorship. There’s no corporation that wants to get in this kind of polarized space.

There’s two ways for people to donate to us. They can go on our website, which is

They can also do a text to give—text the word “REACT” to 50155—they’ll get a reply text, and then they’ll get connected to a donation platform on their cell phone.

We do have volunteers. If there’s people that want to volunteer, there is a volunteer submission on our website. Right now we have a fair amount of help. But people with certain skill sets certainly would still [be helpful as] volunteers.

A New Clinic for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

And we’re getting closer to a major announcement. But I’ll give you a little secret—we’re planning on opening the first clinic here in the United States, just dedicated to the treatment of COVID shot injuries. We’re hoping to have this clinic open by the end of the year. It’s going to be down in the Fort Worth, Texas area.

We have funding at this point for that, but we certainly need more funding. But we are going to partner with another medical group that will be the medical staff of the group.

The clinic is going to help define the gold standard for treatment for the COVID injured. Because as the injured, we want to be part of that answer, and part of that solution.

I also think this clinic is going to be very symbolic. The injured care overall in this country has been so horrible, that we had to be part of the solution to take care of it. So we hope to have that clinic open by the end of this year. We’re actively looking at real estate for lease [in May].

But I just want to give the injured that listen to this hope. We are making progress. We have a lot of battles to fight, but there are a lot of exciting things going on.

Mr. Skorbach: That’s really hopeful. And it’s really amazing to see that the American spirit of ingenuity lives. And no matter what happens, sometimes the solutions are grassroots—living in personal responsibility and not in the hands of our government. Which is a little bit sad to see, but it is what it is.

Mr. Wallskog: It is what it is. But again, we’re not just about telling our sad stories. That’s why the title of my presentation—if you saw down in Fort Worth at the FLCCC meeting—is really taking our negative reactions and turning them into positive actions. That’s why I want all the injured people to know—do not give up hope.

Mr. Skorbach: That’s a really great message. Thanks so much, doc. And thank you so much for all that you’re doing. I think it’s amazing work.

Well folks, if you enjoyed our conversation with Dr. Wallskog, The Epoch Times has just released a special documentary.

“The Unseen Crisis, Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told,” gives us an intimate, uncensored look into the lives of Americans injured by the COVID shots.

And on Thursday, May 25th there’s going to be a watch party at 7:30 pm ET, followed by a live panel with the experts featured in the doc. You’ll have a chance to ask them questions during a Q&A, so mark it in your calendars, tell a friend, and we hope to see you at the event right here on Epoch TV.

This is Frontline Health, I’m Dan Skorbach, Stay healthy America.

This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity by Anna Varavva.

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