Former President Donald Trump spent nearly $50 million in legal fees last year.
That particular number comes from recent filings made with the Federal Election Commission, which showed that: “Former President Donald Trump used more than $47 million in campaign funds to cover legal expenses in 2023… [T]wo groups associated with President Trump, Save America and Make America Great Again Inc., paid more than 350 different transactions to more than 50 law firms, consultancies, and individuals for legal services and consulting.”
If you go back another year, it shows that President Trump has spent about $76 million over the last two years on attorneys.
It’s a little hard to find data around these types of things, but I would imagine that with numbers like these, President Trump might hold the record for the most money spent on legal fees by a single person in American history. And so, given that the majority of political donation spending is being used on these legal challenges—covering this year’s election pretty much revolves around the developments in the many legal challenges that President Trump is facing.
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Jack Smith Demands Twitter Info on All Americans Who Interacted With Trump | Facts Matter
According to a heavily redacted search warrant and other documents released earlier this week, Special Counsel Jack Smith demanded information on Twitter users who liked or retweeted President Trump’s tweets leading up to January 6th.
Twitter ultimately complied.
This means that if you interacted with President Trump’s Twitter account before he got kicked off — well, your name is literally on a list.
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