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Angela Wulbrecht: A Nurse’s Journey Through Vaccine Injury to Becoming a Voice for the Injured

Writer's picture: EPOCHTVEPOCHTV

[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] "Within 12 minutes of getting my vaccine, I was on the ground. This warmth kind of took over my body. I became numb. I started shaking uncontrollably. I felt like something really bad was going on. At first, I thought maybe I'm having an anaphylactic reaction. So, the paramedics were surrounding me. I had all these people there that were taking my vitals. My vitals were extremely unstable. My blood pressure was so high, I could have stroked out. My heart rate was really high. And things went downhill from there, and I eventually was taken away by ambulance to the hospital. And that was the first of, I think, five 911 calls—five hospitalizations."

At the age of eight, Angela Wulbrecht already knew she would become a nurse. A serious car crash had brought her to the emergency room, where she was treated by especially kind and compassionate medical staff, profoundly inspiring her. She has worked in the hospital system for over two decades.

"I was really looking forward to this vaccine coming out when the clinical trials were done and they told us they were safe and effective. I believed every single bit of that as truth. I never questioned anything, and so I rushed to go and get my vaccine," says Ms. Wulbrecht.

But after suffering a severe injury from the shot, her view started to change. She received excellent medical care, but became appalled to see that others weren’t getting the same. Today she works for the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, where she advocates for her vaccine-injured patients and friends.

"My whole perception of these people caring for us and putting us first and putting our health and safety first was not that. And that there was maybe, potentially, greed and money and power that came before what actually was happening to us," says Ms. Wulbrecht.



Jan Jekielek: Angela Wulbrecht, such a pleasure to have you on American Thought Leaders.

Angela Wulbrecht: Thank you so much, Jan. It's a pleasure to be here. You are a hero of mine. I am just so grateful to be here speaking with you, and it's a pleasure. Thank you for having me.

Mr. Jekielek: That’s very kind of you to say. You're here because you're one of the stars of the film, “The Unseen Crisis,” which is screening this evening at a New York City film festival, and actually up for best documentary. You're going to be up there with us doing our Q and A. Before we cover all the wonderful things that you're doing with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation [VSRF], let’s talk about how you became a nurse and how this all started. It's an amazing story, so let’s start there.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Yes. It's a very touching journey for me, and a really important one. I'm from two nationalities. My mom is from the Seychelles Islands, a little group of islands off the east coast of Africa in the middle of the Indian Ocean. My father was American, and I was born in the U.S. When I was eight years old, my father and I were in a car accident, and unfortunately it was a fatal car crash. I survived the accident with a fractured vertebrae.

Unfortunately, my dad did not. He was killed instantly on the scene, and I was rushed to a children's hospital. My mom wasn't in the states at the time. It was very terrifying being a little girl and learning that my father, who I loved tremendously, was gone. I didn't understand what was happening. Obviously, I was in pain and black and blue from the collision, and I had these nurses who were taking care of me.

They treated me like I was their little girl and their family member. I just remember waking up and my room was decorated with balloons and teddy bears. They just loved me so much and gave me the best care and really got me through the most tragic time of my life. At that time I had nobody, my dad was gone and my mom was on her way.

At that point, once I healed from my back injury, I decided I was going to be a nurse. I was not just going to be a nurse, I was going to be an amazing nurse. I was going to give back what was given to me, this incredible gift of love and compassion. I trusted them. From a very young age, I knew that's what I wanted to do.

Mr. Jekielek: There's another fascinating element in your story. Your uncle in the Seychelles took power in a coup and was the dictator of the Seychelles for quite a number of years. This was part of the reason why you ended up spending so much time in the U.S. Please tell me about that, because it might factor into your story as well.

Ms. Wulbrecht: In 1977, my uncle was the vice president of the Seychelles Islands, and James Mancham was the president. With the help of the U.S. and the Nigerian military, my uncle decided to do a coup d'etat, and take over and become the president, although it was a very peaceful coup. He ran the country for 27 years, and the first 16 of those years was a dictatorship.

Back home in my country, we all lived together. My grandmother lived at the house with my uncle and my aunts and my cousins, and my life was very sheltered there. We were surrounded by military and bodyguards, and I wasn't allowed to play outside for fear of all the weapons around us. From a young age, both my mom and I knew that even though my uncle did amazing things for the country and I loved him dearly, that's really not how I wanted to grow up.

I wanted to grow up in a democracy where you could speak out against the government and there was freedom of speech. Yes, it is an interesting story. After my father passed away, my mom had no family here in the U.S. She wanted to go home and be closer to her family, but at the same time she realized that it wouldn't be a good life for me.

I also didn't like that lifestyle either, so I grew up in Europe. I did junior high in Copenhagen, Denmark. I did some high school in Switzerland. When I graduated at the age of 17, I wanted to go to nursing school.

I decided that the best place for me would be the U.S., number one, because of the medical care. I thought the U.S. was the greatest in the world as far as medicine. Number two, it felt like the place to be for my values, especially California. I was a Democrat. I was for women's rights, gay rights, and black rights.

I wanted freedom and to be able to disagree with the government. I didn't ever want to be in that situation where I'd be in a country where somebody could just take power. I chose to come to the U.S. and started my nursing career. I did six years of school, and that's where it all began.

Mr. Jekielek: At eight years old, you knew what your life trajectory would be, and you decided that it would be in the U.S.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Yes.

Mr. Jekielek: You figured out how to do nursing well, and you quickly became a manager in your hospital in your early 20s, which is remarkable.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Yes. I graduated at 23, and I started working as a labor and delivery nurse. I loved birthing babies. I loved helping women at one of the most beautiful times of their lives, but also a very scary time. I started off as a labor and delivery nurse. Within a year I was a charge nurse for pediatrics, for the neonatal intensive care unit, for labor and delivery, for antepartum, and for postpartum.

I pretty much was a charge nurse for the whole Department of Women, Infants and Children. That still wasn't enough for me, because I felt like there was an aspect that I was still missing. Remembering my accident, I still felt that I wasn't giving back around the trauma aspect of it.

I then took it upon myself to become trauma certified and get my trauma license. I wanted to be in the emergency room anytime a trauma came in that involved a child or a pregnant woman. Even when the shifts were quiet in our unit, I would go down and help in the ER, because I knew that that's where I could make an impact.

I was an overachiever at a young age, but it's because of what happened to me. I knew right away what I wanted to do. There wasn't that question of “What should I do with my life?” I knew right away and I went for it.

Mr. Jekielek: Let's fast-forward to when you were in a hospital in Sonoma, California.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I was at the main campus of UCSF [University of California at San Francisco] for about five years. Then I was at Marin General, a branch of UCSF in Marin County, California, for 17 years.

Mr. Jekielek: Please tell me now about what happened, and how you came to think differently about the world.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I was actually in the Tubbs Fire in California, the huge fire that blasted through Sonoma County where I lived. I would commute into work, and I actually got slightly injured in the fire. I tore a muscle off my hip. Our home was burned, and 6,000 homes were destroyed in one night. I took some time off because I had to heal from my injury and rebuild a house. Then the pandemic hits.

I'm hearing about this deadly virus and everything shuts down in California. The beaches are closed and then everything is closed. My daughter has to be pulled out of school and homeschooled. I got through that, I was terrified, and I took it really seriously. When the government told us that this was bad, I completely believed them. When things started to open up again, I wanted to get back.

I knew I had to come and help the medical community and the nurses deal with this pandemic, so I was ready to come back to work. I was really looking forward to this vaccine coming out. When the clinical trials were done and they told us they were safe and effective, I believed every single bit of that as truth.

I never questioned anything, so I rushed to go and get my vaccine. I actually drove three hours to get it because I was that eager. This was the first place that I could get it since I wasn't actively working at the hospital at the time. Within 12 minutes of getting my vaccine, I was on the ground.

This warmth took over my body and I became numb. I started shaking uncontrollably. I felt like something really bad was going on. At first, I thought maybe I'm having an anaphylactic reaction. The paramedics were surrounding me and I had all these people there. They were taking my vitals which were extremely unstable. My blood pressure was so high that I could have stroked out. My heart rate was really high and things went downhill from there. Eventually, I was taken away by ambulance to the hospital.

That was the first of five 911 calls and five hospitalizations. Those first few weeks I was at the doctor's office every single day if I wasn't in the hospital. I was so fortunate because I was so valued in the medical community where I lived and worked. They were eager to take care of me, and I was one of the first ones to really get injured that they knew of.

This was really early on when only nurses could get the vaccine, along with doctors and medical staff, so they were all over me. They took care of me like I was theirs, and they were aggressive with treatments. They were doing all sorts of testing to try and figure out what was going on. I was very, very lucky in that sense.

My journey with this vaccine injury all began with getting injured. At the time, I really believed that it was rare, and so I was still pro-vaccine at that point. I looked at it like it’s similar to giving penicillin to me, when I'm actually allergic to penicillin. For me, if you give me penicillin, I can die. Whereas, with the majority of the population, it's a lifesaving drug if you need it.

At that point, I was still encouraging people to get it. I was actually saying to my family, you guys need to get this vaccine, because I obviously can't have another dose, and you need to do this. We need to protect each other. We need to protect our elders and our immunocompromised. I was very much still for the vaccine, and I was very saddened by the fact that my body reacted that way to it.

Mr. Jekielek: This was one of the times where suddenly you were in the media.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Kaiser News wanted to interview me. I really had no idea. I've never been in the media. I've always been a medical person. I've never been featured or highlighted, and they wanted to share my story and my perspective. At that point, I started to learn of others that were getting injured and they weren't being helped and they weren't being compensated. They weren't being cared for properly. My goal in this interview was to highlight that. But I still was very much pro-vaccine.

The article hit major newspapers all over the world, in different languages. It was on the front page of the LA Times. I talked about how I was pro-vaccine, and I still wanted my family to get it. From there, we all became this community. I started to realize that there were thousands and thousands of other people where this exact same thing was happening, and the problem was bigger than me just having a rare allergic reaction.

By that point, I was hoping that it was an allergic reaction, because if it was, I would have been fine within a couple of days. You give somebody steroids and within a few days they're fine. But the problem took quite a while for me to get through. I went through all of the symptoms that the majority of the vaccine injured are dealing with.

I had cardiac issues, neurological issues, brain fog, tinnitus, numbness, tingling, weakness on one side of my body, and difficulty breathing. I went through all of it, and I'm so grateful to have fully recovered. I don't have any of those symptoms anymore, thanks to early intervention, which the majority of the vaccine injured don't get. My view of what was going on started to crumble. It became apparent to me that things were not as I thought they were.

Mr. Jekielek: Some doctors in your local hospital, the hospital that you've been working at with this team for a long time, figured out how to help you. How did they do that exactly? Because with most people that we've spoken with for The Unseen Crisis documentary and in interviews that I've done, the doctors really have no idea.

Ms. Wulbrecht: They ran every single test on me. I was with the top allergist immunologist at UCSF and the top allergist immunologist at Stanford Hospital. UCSF even referred me to Stanford Hospital because they wanted all hands on deck. I was like their baby, and they wanted every single doctor in every specialty taking care of me. I was in neurology and I was in cardiology. I had three or four different cardiologists working on me.

I went to get testing at Stanford, a four-hour cardiac test workup. What was key for me was that on the first night of my reaction, they realized that the vaccine injury was an inflammatory issue. With a lot of these injuries, it's an inflammatory response. That's why we're seeing myocarditis and issues like that. The immune system goes into this overdrive and you have this massive inflammatory reaction.

Immediately, they started giving me high dose steroids to calm down my immune system so that my immune system wouldn't continue to attack itself. I was being monitored daily. I was in the doctor's office every single day, and they were adjusting meds. They were giving me really high dose antihistamines to deal with the histamine response that my body was going through, and it was very aggressive. I had the best of the best care, and I got through it.

I was worse off than some of my friends who weren't that bad in the beginning, but literally got no care. Today they are falling apart. Two-and-a-half years later, they are very, very ill, and progressively getting worse. I had maybe 40 to 60 doctors looking at me from various specialties; hematology, gastroenterology, and multiple different types of cardiologists. I saw an electrophysiologist, and I saw a neurologist that specializes in the heart. I really had incredible care.

Mr. Jekielek: Has someone written up your case? It seems like there's a lot of material here that was developed.

Ms. Wulbrecht: They could really learn from my case by taking a close look at what they did and how it went well. The other thing that was so wonderful is that the doctors trusted me 100 percent because I never missed a day of work, unless I was giving birth and having my daughter. Even if I wasn't feeling well, I still showed up to work. For me to be that sick, they took it really seriously.

I was researching all sorts of things. I would call my doctor and say, "I want this test, this test, and this test. I don't even know what these are, but we should do them." I ordered every test under the sun, just to make sure that there weren't other things going on. I was very fortunate and very lucky.

Mr. Jekielek: There is this body of knowledge around just one case that might be helpful to the research that's being done. This is an example of the system working like it is supposed to, isn't it?

Ms. Wulbrecht: Yes, absolutely.

Mr. Jekielek: The reason I'm remarking on this is because I've heard so little of that over the last few years.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I really feel like I'm the only one. Maybe there are others, but I really feel like there are not too many. The one case that I know, there was a little girl who had symptoms very similar to Maddie-

Mr. Jekielek: That's Maddie de Garay.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Maddie de Garay, yes. She was in the clinical trials and was injured and it was horrific. She got the worst care of almost anybody that I know, if not the worst. But there is another little girl that I know who had very similar symptoms to Maddie de Garay, and she got treated right away, and she's doing remarkably well. She's back in school.

She had been in a wheelchair, she was in diapers, and she regressed. She was also diagnosed with functional neurological disorder. She got early treatment and she's back to normal again. It just goes to show that in medicine, if you make a mistake or if things go wrong, you fix it right away. The sooner you correct issues for any disease process, the better chance you have of surviving it and having a good outcome.

Mr. Jekielek: I'm getting a tinge of hope because it means that the system can function well. A lot of people that I've spoken with believe that it's broken.

Ms. Wulbrecht: That's one of the reasons why I am doing this and speaking out. I want awareness, and I want help for those people. I'll never leave anybody behind. There is a little bit of survivor's guilt when you go through something with all of these people, and you're the one that makes it out okay, and all these people are left behind struggling.

I lay awake at night because I'm so devastated by what's happening to them. I can help bring awareness that we need to do better for these people, and that we need to help them. We need to get them treatment, we need to get them diagnosed, and there needs to be urgency in this. I'm happy to share my story with as many people as I can, because I do feel in my heart that they can heal and they can get better. There is hope for them.

Mr. Jekielek: A number of people reached out to you after this Kaiser article because it was so prominent. These were people who had been injured and just weren't getting the kind of care that you did. Please tell me about that.

Ms. Wulbrecht: There wasn't much in the media about vaccine injuries because all you heard was that the vaccines were safe and effective. It was being told to us everywhere, every single day. People that were getting injured, they would type in Google and ask, “Are there any vaccine injuries out there?” My name would pop up, my number was not blocked, and they could find me.

I was getting calls from people. I had one friend, Ray Galvin, who's a very dear friend of mine. He lived close to me and we spoke almost every day. He has a beautiful family, we shared doctors, and we did treatments together. He didn't get treated until later on in the game because he hadn't found me. That article might have hit maybe four to six months later. He was just suffering and not knowing what to do.

The most heartbreaking thing is he passed away a year after his vaccine injury and I lost him. That was really difficult for me to go through. Recently, I've lost friends who have ended their life. I had a very dear friend in Los Angeles who ended her life because she couldn't take it anymore. It has been really heartbreaking, and it haunts me. I have to keep on fighting because I won't be able to sleep at night if I don't get help for these people and try to prevent this from happening.

Mr. Jekielek: At one point you began to think about the prevalence of these injuries after a number of children in your area had vaccine injuries.

Ms. Wulbrecht: That was about the time when things began to crumble. In my little area of Sonoma County, we had a 15-year-old boy named Odin Robinson who got his second vaccine. Two days later after his second vaccine, he was found unresponsive by his parents. The coroner's report showed that he had cardiomyopathy and coronary artery inflammation in the setting of a vaccine two days prior. Other than that, he was perfectly healthy.

We also lost a seven-year-old little girl who will remain nameless because her parents are undocumented and are afraid to speak out because they'll get deported back to Mexico. There was another case of a 15-year-old in my neighborhood who was playing basketball with a group of friends, and then went into cardiac arrest and collapsed. Fortunately, his friends were smart, brave boys who performed CPR on him.

They were at a high school and got a defibrillator. It was like early treatment and he survived, but he was very lucky. With the loss of two children and a potential close call for a third, I started to realize they weren't being talked about and nobody knew about these kids. These are not parents that speak out.

I began to wonder how many other kids this was happening to in other neighborhoods. I couldn't just sit back and be quiet anymore. It was a much bigger problem than I realized. I was invited to speak to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control & Prevention] and the FDA [U.S. Food & Drug Administration]. Another vaccine injured, dear friend of mine who has connections with HHS [Dept. of Health & Human Services] called me and said, "I really would like you to speak with them." I have an opportunity where we can talk to them for an hour, all the heads of the CDC and the FDA.”

I was invited there, along with Dr. Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Jessica Rose. Maddie de Garay was there with Martha, another vaccine injured. I was really happy that they were going to listen to us and this was going to be the end of it. I felt in my heart like this was going to be the end of it, because we are going to present all this evidence to them and talk to them.

They were very nice to us during the interview. They spent a good hour with us. They listened to us and they let us ask questions. They gave us their email and told us they would have a follow-up meeting. They promised us that they would really take a close look at what we were telling them. We never heard back from them. I emailed them multiple times, asking them to please follow up and that I would like to be in communication with them. Basically, I never heard from them after that meeting.

Mr. Jekielek: We reached out to the FDA about Angela Wulbrecht's story, but the FDA declined to comment, saying the FDA does not disclose personally identifiable information.

Ms. Wulbrecht: That was really difficult, because I felt like I was a part of their team and on their side, and they were going to be there to fix us and to save us. That was a very hard realization for me, because my whole identity, other than having a baby and being a mother, my whole identity was being a nurse. That’s who I was, almost to the extreme. Dancing was a passion of mine, but being a nurse was number one for me, so that was really, really difficult for me.

I decided at that point I was going to reach out to the NIH [National Institutes for Health]. There was a small group of 11 vaccine injured people that were being studied there. I thought, “If the CDC and the FDA are not going to listen to me, the NIH will, because they are doctors. We're in this together.”

I reached out to Dr. Nath, who's the head of neurology at the NIH. I sent him all my credentials from the hospitals, showed him the type of nurse that I was, and that I needed his help. He was wonderful. He would email back right away. I would present him with cases of vaccine injuries that were really, really bad, actually some that are in the documentary. I said, "This person is really bad, Dr. Nath."

I sent him videos of what they looked like and asked, “What do you think we should do? Is there a doctor in their area that can take a look at them?” He would send me doctor recommendations. These communications would go back and forth, and I was so grateful. Then it got to the point where the injuries were just beyond what I could take.

These injuries were horrific. I had never actually seen anything so shocking in medicine. At this point, I was flying around seeing the vaccine injured. We had done the defeat the mandates movement. I had to carry Angelia Daselle off the stage because she started shaking uncontrollably. Amanda, who was our event planner, was having these apneic, seizure-like episodes, and it just became so bad. I was getting frustrated that I was seeing more and more of this.

In one of my emails, I said, "Dr. Nath, I really want you to take a look at all of this data compiled by Steve Kirsch. It's a much bigger problem than you may be aware of.” What I was hoping for is that he'd start screaming, like we do in medicine—if we observe something is wrong, we speak out, and we do the right thing for patients.

My first response back from him was kind of generic. I don't know if he responded back to me or if it was someone else. It was this generic email saying that he does not treat vaccine injuries and that if I had any further questions to look at the CDC website. That was basically the gist of it.

At that point, I realized I was up against a beast. My whole perception of these people caring for us and putting our health and safety first had not been not true. Potentially, it was greed and money and power that came first. Then I decided to join the VSRF team and really go big and get out there. Because I had tried talking to these agencies, and I had tried emailing them. I had tried to do what you generally would do when something goes wrong—have a face-to-face conversation.

When I realized that just wasn't going anywhere, I joined the VSRF team that was founded by Steve Kirsch. It lit a fire in me to move mountains. Looking back a year ago, we were a team of less than 10 people. None of us had a background in event planning and media. We were from all walks of life, and just really passionate about caring for people.

Within a year we put on two defeat the mandate events with tens of thousands of people. We were deep in the heart of Texas where we brought Assem Malhotra out from the UK for the first time to meet up with Dr. Peter McCullough. We did the first Covid litigation conference. We're actually planning a second Covid litigation conference in March of next year in Las Vegas.

We are planning another conference called Replatform, where we are creating a parallel economy for freedom thinkers. That's what I do. I spend my days talking to the vaccine injured, helping them find doctors, helping them with testing, helping them with medical care, and being a friend that they can call on.

Mr. Jekielek: A huge silver lining of the whole madness of this recent time is meeting some really fantastic, principled, dedicated people, which I'm very grateful for.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I just got back from the Seychelles Islands taking care of my vaccine injured mom. I got home three days ago, but it was so important for me to come out here to New York. I'm still completely jet-lagged. I flew from the Seychelles to California and then to New York because this documentary really means so much to me. It's something that I am so proud of.

This documentary filmed by Cindy of NTD News and The Epoch Times reveals who we truly are. Our vulnerabilities are very intimately in the documentary. For the first time, I read a letter that I wrote to my daughter when I thought I was dying. I didn't think I was going to survive. The whole crew was so wonderful. Here we were being filmed, but I felt like I was with family. I felt very safe.

It's a really important documentary because it shows that we're human beings and we're real people. We get labeled as anti-vax and Right-wing, which I am not. I was pro-vax. If people really sat down and watched this and saw who we are, it could change the minds of a lot of people who might be in the middle. I hope doctors out there will watch this because it's really impactful.

For me personally, this documentary really helped heal one of the conditions left from my vaccine injury, that being post-traumatic stress. I went through hell and back, and it was the scariest time of my life. I was able to share my story with such a loving group of people who cared about us.

I had never met you all and had never met Cindy. The love and compassion that they showed as we told our story meant so much that it was really healing. After being in that documentary, I felt more relaxed and less anxious. It really was the last bit of the puzzle of getting through this.

Mr. Jekielek: That's amazing. I'm so glad that it could play that kind of a role. We have heard things in this realm from some of the other folks that are in the film. With any luck, it will reach a wider audience. If they're a bit open-minded, it could be for people that still don't know what to think about this.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I think we're born good, and there's goodness in the majority of people. They could just tap into that and see us as human beings that wanted to do the right thing and that wanted to help. We all went into this because we wanted the vaccine and we wanted to make sure that we were protecting grandma and grandpa. We went into it with a good heart.

I'm hoping that people will see that and want to help with their good hearts as well, knowing that that's where we came from. We didn't come from a group of angry anti-vaxxers that wanted to destroy the narrative. We didn't want that. We wanted it to work. I was so hopeful that these vaccines were going to be the end of this pandemic.

Mr. Jekielek: I keep thinking about these various pejorative terms like Right-wing. How is that a pejorative term? I don't even understand.

Ms. Wulbrecht: I know.

Mr. Jekielek: Anti-vax is this blanket statement to put you in a category that people are supposed to hate.

Ms. Wulbrecht: It's very discriminatory. In California, New York, and in so many places, if you didn't get the vaccine, you couldn't do certain things. You couldn't go to gathering places and you couldn't go out dancing. You couldn't do the enjoyable things in life that other people could do. You couldn't go to work. Some people couldn't go to work because they didn't get the vaccine.

I had never seen such discrimination in the medical community. We're supposed to take good care of people. People were being denied organ transplants because they chose not to take an experimental shot that has known adverse effects. We're discriminating against them and not saving their life. Aren't we supposed to save everybody's life? In the hospital, in the ER, we wouldn't care if you had insurance, if you were undocumented, if you were black, white, or gay. There is actually a law that says you have to help everybody.

Mr. Jekielek: Even if you did really dumb things to get yourself into the ER.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Absolutely.

Mr. Jekielek: You would never say, "Sorry, you were dumb and we're not going to help you."

Ms. Wulbrecht: Absolutely. I took care of criminals. The hospital at the UCSF campus that I was at was three minutes down the road from San Quentin, the big prison where they had death row. The hardcore criminals would end up there and they would come into our ER. These are people that are mass murderers and did horrible things in their life. I took just as good of care of them as anyone else. I gave them nurturing, love, respect, comfort, protected them, and kept them safe. For me to see this level of discrimination is really truly shocking. The best way to describe it is that I wake up every day and think, “I'm in a nightmare. This can't be real." Then I realize that it is real. It has been two-and-a-half years living in this nightmare.

This is all really interesting for me, coming from a country that I wanted to get away from. I almost feel that what I ran away from, I'm now actually living with the same thing here in this country. If you don't have a choice, you have tyranny. Where is our freedom? Where is our freedom of speech if we are all being censored, and we can't share what really happened to us? Where is democracy? Where is the government that cares about what happened to us, when we did what they told us to do?

My hope and goal is that I come into this with love. I came into the world with love and I'm going to go out with love. I'm going to keep on trying to help them see us. If one thing fails, I will go on to the next. Last year I joined a lawsuit with some of the best attorneys that we have in our country that are fighting these unlawful mandates.

Warner Mendenhall and Jeremy Friedman are our attorneys in California. There's a whole team of them, and it is a class action lawsuit. I am one of six plaintiffs that are suing the whole UC system. The six of us that are suing are all nurses and doctors, and we all have our own horrific stories. The one thing that we all share in common is the hurt that was caused by these unlawful policies. I am really hopeful, and I believe that we will win it.

Mr. Jekielek: But you were actually treated well. If I may ask, which harms are you talking about here?

Ms. Wulbrecht: The main focus of the lawsuit is the right to privacy, which is in our California Constitution. The other thing is the international norm against human experimentation without complete informed consent. When it comes to informed consent, in order to give consent, there cannot be any fraud. There cannot be any force or any coercion when you're giving medical consent. These UC employees were forced to get the vaccine. If they didn't, they lost their job, they lost their livelihoods, and they lost their access to healthcare. There is that aspect.

Then the other more important aspect of it is the informed part. That's where I come into the lawsuit. We believe that the UC system knows about the negative efficacy as well as the harms. What did they know before they started mandating their employees get this vaccine?

I had wanted to go back to work there. I had been working there for 17 years. I got my vaccine so I could go back to work. What did they know before I came back in? Then also, what happened afterwards? For example, in my department, Women, Infants and Children, the doctor who delivered my baby was given the vaccine. He went into AFib immediately, had to get cardioverted, had to have surgery, and had to get an ablation.

They thought it was just a coincidence because AFib can happen to anybody. He got his second vaccine three weeks or four weeks later and went right back into AFib again. The cardiologist recognized he had a reaction to the vaccine. Tragically, his son got the vaccine three months later, felt ill, and died of cardiac issues. We had that happen.

Dr. Jan Maisel, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, is a highly respected pediatrician. A super intelligent, smart woman, she had been a molecular biologist at Berkeley, and then decided to become a pediatrician. She got the vaccine and immediately had the exact same reaction that I had. She was in the hospital, and unfortunately she was forced into early retirement because she did not recover. Then my injury happened a couple of weeks after that.

Since then, I've heard that one of our OR techs in the unit where I worked missed over six months worth of work due to his vaccine injury. Because I was getting all this incredible care, every time I would go to the hospital, I'd go to radiology to have an MRI on my heart, and the radiology tech doing my test said, "I just have to tell you, I got injured as well. I missed work. We're seeing all sorts of things here in the radiology department."

I would go in for an ultrasound, because I was having the usual menstrual issues that so many women deal with. My ultrasonographer would tell me, "We're seeing this like crazy. We have a problem here." I would go to my treadmill stress test to check that my heart was okay, and my technician would tell me, "We're seeing a lot of people come in with palpitations and we're really busy." We believe that the UC system has a treasure trove of medical data and epidemiological data that the court and the jury needs to take a close look at.

That's where I come into it. I wasn't an employee at the time when it happened, but I had worked there for 17 years. It's unlawful in medicine if you know of something that's going on and you don't share that with the community. We hear it all the time that these doctors are slammed and they're busy. They know, but they can't speak up, especially in California, because if you speak up in California, they go after your license.

Mr. Jekielek: The son of your OB-GYN passed away after the vaccine. There has been discussion of a genetic correlation with people who have these reactions. You mentioned that your mom is vaccine injured. Please tell me about that, if that is okay.

Ms. Wulbrecht: Yes, absolutely. Back when the vaccines were rolling out I was encouraging all my family to get it. My mom was in her early 70s at the time, decided to get both of her shots, and I was fine with that. She did perfectly well with both of them and had no issues whatsoever. It came time for her booster shot and she decided to get it because she figured, "I had the first two. I was fine, so I'm going to get the third one."

I did try and talk her out of the booster, and she just really didn't listen to me. She got it, and immediately had a reaction. She felt horrible, she had joint pain, and she sent me pictures of her eye. She didn't know what it was, but she had severe pain in her face and she had all these lesions, which ended up being shingles.

Mind you, she had already been vaccinated with a shingles' vaccine. She had this horrific case of shingles, which is so common with the vaccine injured, because it dampens and weakens your immune system. All these dormant viruses come to life. She had the shingles, but unfortunately it didn't end there. She started noticing that she was losing her peripheral vision in her right eye. She couldn't see, and she couldn't drive.

I brought her to the U.S. I have access to medical care here, the best of the best, so I brought her here. She had a blood clot in her retinal vein, and we treated that immediately. Fortunately, her vision did return. I had her go through a whole bunch of other testing and she had developed an autoimmune condition called antiphospholipid syndrome. Now, she's on blood thinners for life.

That's also another autoimmune condition that we are seeing. My dear friend Cody, who is 21-years-old, got the J&J. He had a stroke, had blood clots, and is just a warrior of a kid. We're seeing this now, and my mom has the same thing. Her first message to me afterwards was, "Angela, I might be having a vaccine reaction." I said, "You are, mom. I'm so sorry, but you are," so my mom is vaccine injured. It would be really helpful if they looked at the genetics of is there a predisposition of some of us to have these injuries? There's so many things that they could be doing.

Mr. Jekielek: You've had two incredibly traumatic experiences in your life, both of which have put you into the service of a great many people who have benefited a lot. I don't want to make light of the trauma, but there's something kind of beautiful about that.

Ms. Wulbrecht: If I'm never allowed to work in another hospital again for speaking out, for doing the right thing, for helping the helpless, that's okay. If they want to come after my nursing license and take it away from me for exposing the truth and trying to help people, that's okay too. I went into this to care for people. I went into this to do my duty, to put patients first, and to protect them.

If they want to take that away from me, I will go out with that. I really want to instill these values of mine into my child. I also want to be an example for the medical community, for nurses and doctors out there that if we all collectively speak up, if we do the right thing, we can get through this. You can make mistakes and you can admit to your mistakes.

In medicine, when you make a mistake, you can admit it and then you have to fix it. I want help for all the vaccine injured. I want compensation for all those that have been hurt, and for all the lives that have been lost. If I can accomplish those things, which I will die trying to do, this vaccine was worth it. It was worth every bit of it. I'm grateful that it happened to me, because if I can do those things, I will be very blessed. That's my goal.

Mr. Jekielek: Angela Wulbrecht, it's such a pleasure to have you on the show.

Ms. Wulbrecht: It’s such a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much for all that you do and for creating this safe space for us. All the vaccine injured really appreciate you. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. Jekielek: Thank you. Thank you all for joining Angela Wulbrecht and me on this episode of American Thought Leaders. I'm your host, Jan Jekielek.

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